- It is the favorable outcome of an action.
- It is growth, development, improvement and getting better.
- It is achieving what you have set out to do.
- It means getting good grades at school.
- It means passing your driving test and getting a driving license.
- It means getting the job you wanted.
- The result of promotion at work.
- It means getting accepted to college.
- It is having lots of money and being rich.
- You feel it when someone you love tells you that he/she loves you too.
- It is the pleasant and powerful feeling of achievement.
- You experience it when you win or earn a large sum of money.
- You experience it when you see your garden and plants blooming.
- It is the good feeling and happiness you experience after meditation.
- The achievement of inner peace and getting rid of stress.
- It is the feeling of triumph you experience when you fix a broken instrument with your own hands.
- Success means shedding a few surplus pounds from your weight.
- It is something you experience and enjoy when you see your business prospering.
- If you wish to become famous, and do it, it means success.
- You accomplish success when you achieve your dreams and goals.
- It is the result of getting or achieving
"Opportunities don't happen. You create them."
-- Chris Grosser
John Szepietowski
John Szepietowski is committed to assisting and working with a wide range of charities and fundraising campaigns, especially those that benefit people with special needs. John Szepietowski has been fortunate and well placed to help others as a lawyer, property developer, and businessman by promoting a number of charitable causes and providing pro bono legal services.
An Introduction to Success
John Szepietowski's Projects
John Szepietowski’s supported charity projects include the following, and many more:

Anti Noise
Anti Noise are an organisation founded by John Szepietowski, whose aim is to provide information to the public about the rise and effects of pollution and noise from the aviation industry. Specifically around the London Heathrow airport. John Szepietowski has been very vocal in his support of all Anti Expansion movements at Heathrow airport, even going as far as raising petitions on the government website,

Dogs are Loved
Dogs are Loved is an organisation founded by John Szepietowski, our aim is to increase knowledge and awareness of animal abuse and how to report it. One of the big reasons for the charities estbalishment is the worrying and increasing figures of reported animal abuse cases. In 2014 figures from the RSPCA show that there was a rise of more than 6,000 cases, in 2013 they investigated 153,770 cases.

Save the Architecture
Save The Architecture employs a number of volunteer researchers who collate a large amount of information to provide the very best advice and service for owners and prospective owners of Listed Buildings. With the aim of providing a comprehensive resource of laws a regulations that must be adhered to when owning / renovating or restoring Listed Buildings.

Special Needs Learning
The challenge of raising a child with a special need or disability can seem overwhelming at times. There are often so many issues involved, such as finding the best health care, therapy or specialist; supporting your child at school and in the community; investigating the services and opportunities available; and arranging for special equipment that may be needed.
John’s Blog
Contact John
Please see the description below for the various ways to contact John Szepietowski; the quickest and easiest method is to fill out the form below with all of your information; please do so to ensure that your message reaches John.
While it will take John some time to investigate many of the comments that have been submitted to him, we make certain that he sees all of the feedback that has been submitted. As you can imagine, John spends a large chunk of his free time to the causes he helps and to advocating for those who are less fortunate.
John Szepietowski is a solicitor by practice and has been for more than 40 years. He is also a property investor, an active and avid supporter of many other different and wide-ranging charities, and a very active charity activist. Though John lives in Surrey, England, his business headquarter is based in London.
John is a strong belief in pledging to or otherwise supporting worthy nonprofit organizations, with a particular affinity for assisting children with special needs. Since 1985, we estimate that John has raised or contributed over £3.5 million for various worthwhile causes, aiding in the advancement of cancer research and providing support to cancer patients. or
You can also contact John by interacting with him on social media. Simply search for John Szepietowski on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and other social media sites to find him.
We have recently added a link to John Szepietowski’s personal twitter account into the sites navigation, this is the official twitter feed for John Szepietowski.
John Szepietowski
Cobham House
1 High Street
KT11 9EE
0193 2809 169